In the past few weeks the UNESCO Beijing Office and the Global Network of Water Museums launched the communication campaign The Water We Want, inspired by the works submitted to the youth contest and featured in the online exhibition of the same name. The campaign is dedicated to raising water awareness among young people and reaching new audiences by building on the themes touched upon by our young participants.
Click hereafter to watch the video if you've missed it!
Every week, we'll be exploring together crucial themes for more farsighted management of water, posting new clips across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WeChat.
We would be grateful if you could share this initiative with all the students and teachers who made The Water We Want possible this year, despite all the difficulties. We believe this initiative is a very powerful tool to disseminate water education and all the core values of our Network. Together, let's make these young ambassadors' voices resonate worldwide through this campaign!
Global Network of Water Museums