Order of Business
- Opening of the meeting and appointment of the Chair
- Approval of the Record of last General Assembly (11 December 2020)
- Welcome to new WAMU-NET Members
- Winners’ announcement of the 2nd Edition of the Youth Prize Contest ‘The Water We Want’
- Humanitarian emergency state in Burkina Phaso: call for support of the Musée de l’Eau de Ouagadugou
- Approval of the Budget for the year 2020 (art.16)
- Status of annual membership contributions – year 2021 (fees received until June 1st)
- Discussion on the updated Forecast Budget (2nd semester – year 2021)
- Nomination of the new Management Board and President (years 2021-2023)
- ‘Developing the Phase 2 of the Global Network’: proposal to the next IHP Intergovernmental Council
- Fundraising strategy
- Program of the 1st Training Course organized by the Venice UNESCO Chair dedicated to water museums: “New Tools for Promoting the Natural and Cultural Water Heritage Outside Museums”
- Discussion on the Collaborative Global Digital Exhibition with WAMU-NET members
- AOB – Proposals and suggestions from WAMU-NET members
- Closing of the meeting
Call for the 6th GA with the Order of Business
Presentation of New WAMU-NET Members
Record of the previous General Assembly (December 2020)
Strategy note “Developing the Phase 2”