We are pleased to share with you the 1st communication campaign of the Global Network of Water Museums (WAMU-NET).
Please follow the instructions below and download the related materials, which you can disseminate and spread on March 22nd through your mailing lists in order to promote the 1st WAMU-NET coordinated message all over the planet.
Your participation to WAMU-NET campaign is supported by a number of tools that you can share and promote within your museum network, through mails, newsletters, web site and social media (with the hashtag #WWD2019WAMUNET).
The campaign includes different messages, so you can pick up one or more messages, and adapt them to your context.
The TOOL KIT WWD 2019_WAMUNET is made by the following files:
2. 2-WWD_2019 VISUAL GUIDELINES multi subject advertising campaign
As you can see, the campaign will start on March 22nd and will continue until the end of 2019. During the Valencia conference we will organize a dedicated Interactive Seminar to this campaign, in order to provide instructions for the follow up and assess together the impact generated at global level.
In case you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact directly Antonia Teatino, who curated this campaign, at: teatino2@me.com
Thanks for your time and dedication!
The WAMU-NET Communication Team.