The Global Network of Water Museums is pleased to announce the winners of the 4th Edition of The Water We Want. Every year, the International Youth Contest and Award invites students between the ages of 6 and 18 to be the storytellers of our liquid futures.
This year, the Global Network received almost one hundred works among drawings, videos and other media, including photographs and water songs. Water museum members across India, China, Cuba, Morocco, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Romania, Croatia and Portugal took part in the contest.
All the works shortlisted by the museums feature in the online digital exhibition available at thewaterwewant.watermuseums.net.
The six winners of the 4th Edition of The Water We Want are:
DRAWINGS: 6 -12 y
Cherish the Source of Life by Guo Yufei. Huayuankou Primary School, Zhengzhou, China. Submitted by Yellow River Museum.
DRAWINGS: 13-18 y
The Source of Life by Kiraly Antonia. “Pavel Dan” Theoretical High School, Campia Turzii, Romania. Submitted by Water Museum “Leonida Truta”.
VIDEOS: 6 -12 y
WINNER: Water to Save? Let’s Do It at School! by Class 5B. Primary School Dante Alighieri, Mogliano Veneto, Italy. Submitted by Water Museum of Venice/Consiglio di Bacino ‘Laguna di Venezia’, Italy.
VIDEOS: 13-18 y
Tears of Water by Yu Binbin. Zhejiang Medical Technology School, Hangzhou, China. Submitted by National Water Museum of China.
OTHER MEDIA: 6 -12 y
Save the Rivers! by Adreet Roy, Aarish Mukherjee, Aarshi Pal, Khusmina Saha. Indus Valley World School, Kolkata, India. Submitted by Living Waters Museum.
OTHER MEDIA: 13-18 y
Looking for Myself by Class 3A, I.I.S.S. Enrico Giannelli, Parabita (LE), Italy, Romania. Submitted by Paesi dell’Acqua.
The Global Network also awarded 10 Special Mentions. Please download the Press Release to see the complete list of Winners and Special Mentions of the 4th Edition of TWWW.
The International Youth Contest and Award was organised by the Global Network of Water Museums with the support of HYDRA, Multimediale Museum of the Marmore Waterfalls, Italy.
Congratulations to the six winners of this year’s edition and to all participating students, teachers and water museums!