We are delighted to present the final Programme of the training course organized by the UNESCO Chair based at the Venice University Ca’ Foscari, entitled “Beyond Museums. Tools for promoting the natural and cultural water heritage”.
The online course includes 12 webinars and 24 highly qualified speakers from different nationalities. It will run on Zoom every Friday from 13.00 to 15.00 CET starting from the 22nd of October and until the 21st of January 2022.
To read and download the Programme, please click here.
During the course, the following topics will be presented and discussed: inland hydrography, riverscapes and urban waterscapes; reading and interpretation of ancestral technologies; heritage mapping and digitization; itinerary design and digital audioguides; methodologies to build participative approaches for enhanced water management; eco-museums and community-led water museums; visual anthropology, collection of oral histories and video interviews; water as sustainable tourism resource; engaging audiences outside museums.
We kindly remind you that there are still available places to attend the course, and that all members of the Network in line with annual contributions can register one person for free. From the second person of the same institution affiliated to WAMU-NET, it is possible to take advantage of a 50% discount on the regular fee, i.e. with registrations for 125 € (25 € for Less Advantaged Countries).
An attendance certificate will be issued by the Venice University Ca’ Foscari at the end of the course for all participants attending at least to 9 out of 12 webinars.
Do not miss the opportunity to attend a high-level course aimed at providing new tools and management perspectives on water heritage outside museums!
For any information and for registering, please write an email to Sara Luchetta (sara.luchetta@unive.it)