We are pleased to announce that the digital exhibition of the 1styouth contest The Water We Want, which features 102 entries among drawings, videos and photos submitted by schools from all the world, will be launched during a webinar on June 18th.
The webinar starting at 10 am CET (Paris, Rome, Amsterdam) will discuss the messages elaborated by students to narrate our rich and unique water heritage with a number of distinguished speakers representing UNESCO-IHP, UNESCO Beijing Office, and the Global Network of Water Museums.
The youth contest The Water We Want was launched by the Global Network of Water Museums in October 2019 to explore our rich and multifaceted water heritage from the perspective of young people and provide visibility to new messages which convey the necessity to promote a new water culture and more sustainable water uses on a global scale.
From June onwards, all messages elaborated by the young participants through their artworks will be at the centre of a communication campaign on social media which will run until December 2020.
Introduction by:
Eriberto EULISSE (Executive Director of the Global Network of Water Museums) and Lucrezia GIGANTE (Communication Team of the Global Network of Water Museums)